The Tasmanian Government is conducting a 12-month strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Wellington Park.

The review - 'Our Mountain's Future' - is intended to create a shared vision for kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Wellington Park, then identify ways to achieve that vision.

Terms of Reference

The Tasmanian Government published the Terms of Reference for the review in August 2024. This document explains the objectives, scope, governance, timing and consultation approach for the review.


kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Wellington Park hold a special place in the hearts and minds of all Tasmanians. The Tasmanian Government acknowledges there are challenges associated with the mountain and the broader park and is determined to understand what needs to change so that Tasmania’s future vision for the mountain can be turned into a reality.

The strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington will provide an opportunity for all Tasmanians to have their say on the long-term vision for the mountain and the broader Wellington Park. The review’s findings will inform the development of strategic objectives and recommendations to the Tasmanian Government.

Scope of the review

The review will primarily focus on three themes:

  • Values management is about how best to educate, protect and celebrate cultural and environmental values, including:

    • View of the mountain from Hobart and its surrounds.
    • Aboriginal cultural values and heritage.
    • Wellington Park's broader heritage and cultural importance.
    • Protection of flora and fauna.
    • Geological significance.
  • User experience is about how best to provide for sustainable recreation, access and other uses, including:

    • Transport solutions for the pinnacle and other areas of the park.
    • Appropriate facilities and infrastructure for users.
    • User activities and opportunities.
  • Administration is about how best to manage Wellington Park, including:

    • Land management, including fire management and water protection.
    • Land tenure.
    • Governance.
    • Funding arrangements.
    • Planning.

Project governance

The Department of State Growth will lead the review, with oversight from a Steering Committee comprised of heads of relevant Government departments (State Growth, Premier and Cabinet, Treasury and Finance, and Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania), and report to the Minister for Business, Industry and Resources.

Staging and timeframes

  • Timeline item 1 - active

    Phase 1

    Community engagement, including research and discussion paper

    July - December 2024

    In Phase 1, a discussion paper will be released to help guide the conversation. Through extensive consultation, the community’s views on the mountain and the broader park will be heard.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Phase 2

    Review update

    January - April 2025

    In Phase 2, the community's long-term vision will be developed.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Phase 3

    Final Report recommendations

    May - June 2025

    In Phase 3, a Final Report will be prepared for the Government. The Final Report will be informed by Phases 1 and 2 and include strategic objectives and recommendations on how best to approach and achieve the community’s long-term vision for the mountain and the broader park.


The department will conduct the review in an open, transparent and genuine manner that facilitates broad stakeholder and community engagement. The community will be encouraged to share and express its views on the long-term future of the mountain and Wellington Park.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Department of State Growth is leading the strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington.

The Tasmanian Government’s strategic review is designed to complement the Trust’s work. The strategic review will help develop a long‑term community vision for the mountain, which may cover a longer time horizon than the Trust’s Management Plan.

The review has no interaction with the previous cable car proposal.

Access to the mountain, including to the summit, will be one of many things considered as part of the review. It will consider all modes of transport.

It is anticipated that the strategic review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington will lead to a long term community vision, along with recommendations about what needs to change in order to deliver on that vision.

The review is overseen by a Steering Committee made up of heads of relevant Government departments: State Growth, Premier and Cabinet, Treasury and Finance, and Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.

There has also been a Working Group setup to provide greater insights and guidance comprising representatives from State and local Government, TasWater, Tourism Tasmania and Wellington Park Management Trust.

The department is engaging with the Tasmanian community through the consultation period. We are also engaging in focus groups including with the Aboriginal community as well as tourism representatives, recreational groups, and environmental groups. We want to hear from everyone.

You can visit our Written Submission page, and select 'organisation'.

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